About Me

As time goes by I learn the importance of a day!


Too few postings...

I keep telling myself I am going to do a better job at keeping this blog but, I always seem to run out of time every day. I posted the last time in the spring when it was Bike Week here in beautiful Panama City Florida and guess what??? IT IS BIKE WEEK AGAIN!! Yep, it is time for the fall rally for us biker folks. I am hoping it will be a good weekend since it has been raining for a week now.
We will get up early (I am not sure why we bikers insist on starting these outings at the buttcrack of dawn but..) and go down to Eat at Joe's for a nice breakfast on the water then off to the beach with the loud noise, beautiful bikes and those fashion statement from Hell!! I am telling you that is one of the high lights for me is the fashion statements. You put a women and men on a motorcycle and they forget they can not and probably never should have dressed that way they do. I do not dress the part as much as most. I have the leather boots, chaps and doorag but as for the skimpy tops with the hot pants that allow body parts to show that NO ONE should see except under the darkest conditions. It will be a hoot, it always is.
This is a perfect example as to why I have trouble keeping up my blog.....I ramble! I think quicker than I can get it typed out and it all ends up rambling! But, that is just how it will have to be for now. Maybe I can work on that and get my thoughts together before I start to type.

until next time............

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